The Nielsen Norman Group, World Leaders in Research-Based User Experience say that users want clear, concise information devoid of unnecessary jargon or complex terms. Plain language benefits both the users and organizations. The term KISS is used in Technical Diving and stands for Keep It Super Simple, or as some say “Keep it Simple Stupid“ Is the KISS method suitable for web content for higher educational institutions?
I will be addressing fundamental questions such as:
Anna Maria holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Managerment (2005), a Masters degree in Business Strategy and Management (2016) and an additional diploma in Web Communication (2017).
She teaches two master‘s courses at the University of Iceland.
After 9 years as an office manager at Islandsbanki she made the second U-turn in her career focusing on Web development with emphasize on User Experience (UX). The first U-turn was when she left her career in the City theatre as a professional Make-up artist and Wigmaker after 17 years of working in the field.
On top of that she is a successful PADI Master Scuba Diving Instructor in Iceland. One could say she is a talent of many faces.