Sara Arvidson and Anna Maria Fleetwood

Teaching researchers communication-start a doctoral level

In this seminar we discuss how training in science communication might become part in postgraduate education, with the aim of equipping every Swedish researcher with the knowledge and tools for reaching out and making an impact in society.

This builds on recent efforts led by Örebro University and the Swedish Research Council to develop and pilot a course syllabus for doctoral students consisting of three parts:

The researcher’s role in society

  1. Planning and integrating research communication
  2. Practical exercises

In the course the doctoral students meet teachers from academia (national and international lecturers), the communications office and external guests from the media.

This experiment has been a close collaboration between communications officers and researchers at Örebro University and here we discuss the benefits and challenges of working together in order to bridge the gap between academia and the outside world.

What I Do

Sara Arvidson is head of the Communications department at Orebro University.

Apart from this role, she is part of a national group of experts in research communication, lead by the Swedish Research Council. She is also lecturer and teamleader at SIDA (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) in a project for better research communication in Rwanda.

With her comprehensive journalistic background, she has worked in both public and private news organisations: head of Consumer News at the national news desk at SVT (Swedish national public service broadcaster), editor of several news programmes at SVT, news anchor at SVT and TV4 and PR consultant in London, UK. In addition to various TV programmes and reportages, she has written the book What makes the news? A study of newsgathering at the BBC.

Anna Maria Fleetwood Senior Adviser External Relations, Swedish Research Council

Anna Maria Fleetwood has almost two decades of experience in collaborating and advocating policy for science communication. She gives lectures on science communication and is the initiator of a number of successful projects and events. She has been leading the Swedish Research Council’s expert group for science communication in doctoral education